Monday, November 26, 2018

ABCs of my Fledgling Gym Membership

Turning 25 in a few weeks so I figured I should try adulting. What's the adultiest thing I could think of? Taking care of myself. I've learned a lot about myself in the last 26 days, namely that I have become that annoying person that talks about the gym. 

After workout showers might be harder than the workout --my hair is too long for my tired arms
Bodies can do incredible things --sorry other people's bodies can do amazing things
Cute men exist at the gym
Damn I need to get contacts so I can see them
Everyone sweats --thank goodness it isn't just me
Footprints of said sweat is a real life thing unfortunately
Going to the gym not enough --I'm supposed to eat better too!
HOPE hold on pain ends, what a lovely sentiment 
I feel nauseous all the time, what is that!? 
Judging myself and my progress takes too much energy that I am not willing to waste
Kindhearted people do not grow up to be trainers
Looking good in my workout clothes is apparently important to me --hence my 7 outfits
My greatest victory in life was choosing the 'love it' instead of the 'gotta have it' at Cold Stone
National news should be given more focus in my life than the 15 minutes on the treadmill --subtitles are hard to read while running
Only public place where it is acceptable to walk into a bathroom wearing only socks
People are not in fact noticing anything about me certainly not the things I'm insecure about
Quarter life crisis of a gym membership --okay then
Remember a water bottle, walking to the drinking fountain doesn't count as part of the workout
Sometimes brushing my hair makes me want to cry so I throw it in a top bun 
Trainers: always a love/hate relationship --they love to hate me
Under no circumstances should a human forget fresh socks --there's just something unholy about        putting sweaty socks back on your feet
Veto power --a right my trainer does not give me
Why am I paying money for this?
Xenobiotic adj: relating to or denoting a substance that is foreign to the body or to an ecological system --that would be me at the gym
You haven't known pain and anguish until you've driven home in a stick shift after chest day 
Zero to hero is a completely acceptable and fully fleshed out goal

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Unlucky Sevens

16. Finish a 1,000 piece puzzle=COMPLETE (again)
17. Make another best friend=GOING GREAT
20. Go on one date a month=FAIL
22. Explore my new city=NEVER ENDING

I love puzzles and I keep buying more and just loving them to pieces (haha). Really though I have like 6 puzzles all a 1000 pieces and I have a hard time not buying more of them. Also my wonderful aunt bought me a felt thing that allows me to travel with my puzzles without messing them up!!  A whole new flipping world folks.

Kailey and I are doing great. We spend a lot of time together doing fun things. We are also planning on rooming together in October. I am stoked.

So I failed on the dating front. I wouldn't say I tried very hard. Yeah that also might be a reason why I didn't post this sooner. I just feel like a failure. I didn't realize how hard it would be to go on 12 dates in a year. Turns out it sucks to put yourself out there when you don't actually care about the person in that way. This next deadline is in a week and I haven't been on a date so I will probably fail that also. But no matter. I am having fun in other areas of my life.

I am constantly driving around Atlanta and the surrounding cities. I love my jeep, thoroughly and completely. I don't foresee myself ever stopping the exploring habit.

I tried to look for my dad's brick a couple of times and that seems impossible. So I might need more help for that project.

Well that's all folks. I had an unlucky in love month and it's whatever.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Explanation

I watched a crappy movie the other day with that over dramatic scene with person A demanding an explanation and person B trying to give one but person A is not listening to anything. I hate those scenes. So unrealistic to me. If I want an explanation I will listen to said explanation. So I wrote a better scene. Here we go.

I was running after him. If only he would let me explain. His eyes were cloudy with anger as he rattled off all my sins; one hand on the car the other gesturing wildly. A frenzied darkened version of himself, one I'd never seen. A summer snowstorm would be more expected than this-this creature contorted with fury.
I swear I didn't mean to yell.
The words just came bubbling up unbidden thrown so quickly across the patch-work lawn. A volcanic eruption. I could feel the seismic wave crash back. He halted mid step hand on the door.
"What did you say?"
Nothing short of a glock to the temple would make me repeat those words.
"Please let's talk about this like civilized adults."
You know the look when a kid's trying to figure out where the magician hid the card? It was like that...mixed with a healthy dose of raging rhino.
"You couldn't think of a better way to tell me that? Announc-announcing to the whole world at 3 am in your night gown was really the best option?"
"Pleas-please-" I couldn't continue. Tears at a time like this were just too cliche. I just wanted him to hold me, and for goodness sake stop looking at me like that!!!
Strength. Stone. I was a stone warrior who wouldn't cry, couldn't cry. What a warrior I was turning out to be.
I don't remember falling to my knees or how he was suddenly right beside me. Fingers hesitantly reaching. I couldn't help him, not this time. Not only was I stuck focusing on breathing, it was his turn to try.
"Sorry--for jumping like that. I came for an explanation, at least that's what I told myself."
As quickly as they left, my senses returned. Brushing off his hand and my knees-I stood.
"I'm going to make some...tea."
The chirp of his car automatically locking sounded different tonight. It sounded like hope. 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Watch Your Six

This last week I was hanging out in Helen GA. So I almost have an excuse for being late this month.

17. Make another best friend=COMPLETE
20. Go on one date a month=ROUND 6 COMPLETE
22. Explore my new city=ON GOING

My new (as in another, not replacement) best friend is Kailey. We go on adventures and long drives. She has a large dog that is starting to like me. Basically she is my favorite and I don't remember laughing quite so much. We have made a million plans for more adventures and trips. Get ready for the road trip queens!!!

I asked a guy out but it didn't work out. I invited a guy to a group activity and that was fun. But my date this month was with myself. I feel more connected with my soul and the world. Just a couple long drives with Ruby and a few hours of studying the clouds. Basically I got a confidence boost and had fun by myself. I am more of an independent adventurer anyway so exploring Helen was just grand. I hiked to a waterfall, mined for gems, finished a puzzle and visited Babyland. That is my kind of vacation. :)

I have truly enjoyed exploring Atlanta and the surrounding cities. This entire area is beautiful. I have plans to explore a ton of cities in Georgia. I love driving and driving and just 'getting lost' then pulling out a map. Maps are really amazing. Haha just finding hidden talents.

This next month is the other side of the year. I have now been working on these goals for more than 6 months. Super weird. I don't feel like I've accomplished anything this year. But I know I have; just not any earth shattering accomplishments. I still feel lost but better about it...does that make sense?

Monday, May 21, 2018

Give Me Five

Late again...whatever

10. Visit the temple 24 times=ONE
20. Go on one date a month=ROUND 5 COMPLETE
22. Explore my new city=ON GOING

I visited the Atlanta Temple and did baptisms for the dead. (If you have questions about what that means or anything related to the LDS church let me know, I would be happy to answer any questions. Or you can visit The temple is so beautiful. And it is a place with incredible peace. I recommend anyone who is working towards going back to keep striving.

Okay, I ask boys out I promise I am trying with this but they are just busy when I ask. So this month's date was actually with a new friend of mine, she is really cool. We went on a friend date. She came down to Griffin and I showed her the house I grew up in and my grandma's roof. I really enjoy showing my family property to friends. We then went 'mudding' in my jeep. Actually it was just driving around the property but the roads are in disrepair so I'm glad I have 4 wheel drive. No injuries to report and lots of fun times. Then we drove around Griffin and got lunch. I love the cemetery in Griffin and since I am a bit odd that's where we ate lunch. I think cemeteries are quite peaceful. I introduced all my family there and we just talked about our lives (real bonding time).

I know some might not think that was a 'real' date, because it wasn't meant to be romantic. But the real reason behind this goal is about making connections and getting out of my comfort zone. And I did that. This next month I am going to ask men out sooner so that they won't be busy. I am excited about what this goal has already led to though. It seems clear to me that I don't do typical and I'm okay with that. Everyone should go out on a date with their best friend once in a while and be comfortable with calling it that. Our society puts a weird amount of pressure on 'dates'. We put way less pressure on hanging out and hooking up. Sorry--soapbox.

I am still commuting from Orchard Hills, for church activities. I have found a few new roads and loved seeing where they go. I visited Zebulon the other day. I have been meaning to go there because ZEBULON! so cool. Now I know where it is I can explore at a later date. I also went and explored Duluth, with some friends. It's weird to be so close to different cities. The Pacific Northwest is pretty spread out. But here I have plans to head over to Savannah just for a weekend. I don't have solid plans for that yet but I am sure I will tell you all about it.

Only recently I realized that I am almost half way done with this year and I don't think I am half way done with my goals so I need to get on that quick.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Fourth

I'm late again this month...I hope it doesn't become a habit. But lets be honest it probably will. 

16. Finish a 1,000 piece puzzle= COMPLETE
20. Go on one date a month= ROUND 4 COMPLETE
22. Explore my new city=  ON GOING

I have been house sitting for my grandpa this past month. He lives farther south so I have been driving an hour or so to church and activities. It has been great to drive and drive. But it has been hard on my hurt knee. It's only been 4 weeks though so it'll get better. 

I bought a puzzle and had a fantastic time putting it together. 1000 pieces and it only took me two days. I wanted to try something harder so I only put the door frames together, and that only took me a day. Did I mention how good I am at puzzles?

I have a super cool story for my date this month. It wasn't a 'date-date' in so much that it wasn't planned. I was at Chick fil a after FHE one Monday night. There I was reading the menu with the only other person in line; a handsome 20 something man. We both ordered smoothie drinks or whatever and the cashier lady gave us coupons so they were free. I was headed to the table next to his, planning on awkwardly staring across two tables, when instead he invited me to sit with him. We talked for over an hour about life. It was really great to connect with an attractive stranger. We gave each other the 'outsider' perspective. He even asked for my phone number, to connect again before he went home to Utah. To my recollection I have never been asked for my phone number before by a cute guy. I tend to be the one asking. Unfortunately he left town before we reconnected. I probably won't ever see him again but it was so much fun to open up with a stranger. 

I did a little more exploring of Griffin this month. We moved when I was 8 so I don't remember how to get anywhere. Sometimes I'll come across a familiar building or road and memories will just flood in. It's really weird to figure out the driving routes to certain places. Driving on my family's farm is like rediscovering a memory. I am enjoying life at this slow down pace. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Month Three

I don't feel like I accomplished much last month, part of the reason I am writing this post over a week late. I can't think of anything to update on.

20. Go on one date a month= ROUND THREE COMPLETE
22. Explore my new city= ON GOING

I was a few days late with my date this month but I'm okay with that. It was fun. We are both new to Atlanta so I took him to The Varsity. Its a place I remember going when I was little and living in Griffin. I really like their Frosted Orange, its like an icee or smoothie.

I can make my way to a couple of places without my GPS now, mainly church and IHOP (the important places). I guess I am still exploring but not as actively as I would wish. I haven't really done any of the touristy things on my list or truly explored yet.

Next month will be better...probably.

Oh yeah, I sprained my knee when I tripped in the dark...hunting for Easter eggs. That was fun..sorta. I'll be fine though. Even drove my jeep to IHOP today (again priorities).